Ms. Mari Juana (or Huana - even she goes back and forth!) returns in "Use This As You See Fit: The Diary of Mari" for another season of cannabis history and mystery.

A message from the hosts -
Dear Diary.
Over the last year, those have become our two favorite words. Since the diary came into our lives, with no explanation beyond a note that said "use this as you see fit," nothing has been the same. Each entry helps us to understand complex marijuana narratives through stories spanning centuries...from a very credible source.
Season 1 included so much rich history. From Dr. M's discovery of THC to Mezz's first time, from Dr. Grinspoon's mystery pro-cannabis friend to ECS explanations, from the sustainability of hemp to Anslinger's legacy - Mari's writings sparked conversations that dove into many of the things that have shaped the cannabis narrative of today.
Mari's diary has taught us that her and her "fam" have been trying to help us for a long time and that there's a historical pattern of authority unethically using cannabis as a means of control. Her writings have also let us know that there's still much to be discovered and that responsible use for wellness is important to her. As she documented her life, she penned insightful commentary on consumption as a highly individualized experience, the dangers associated with misuse, and the damage done by chronic untruths - and it was seemingly all for herself, to work through the false claims and unsupported positions of others who villainized her and her family.
She's the antidote for the stoner stereotype - she's social and active. She's well-read and reflective. She's wise and well-traveled. Mari's diary, her innermost thoughts and feelings, have been shared to help us all widen our views when it comes to cannabis and its place in our society today.
Mari, if you're reading this, we hope that we're doing right by you so far. We know that with each discussion about an entry, especially the fun conversations with other passionate cannabists, we promote history-driven and fact-based information, which is how to eliminate the wrong and harmful kind. We will continue to share widely and request that you share feedback along the way. You, in your infinite wisdom, sent us your story so we could amplify and share it with others. Thank you for trusting us with this important work.
Angela and Brandon
PS to Mari - Even though you've not said it, we know it's a loaner. The diary belongs to you - always has, always will. The moment you want it back, it's yours. In fact, we have a feeling you know exactly where we keep it.
Podcast Summary for “Use This As You See Fit: The Diary of Mari”
When Angela received an old diary in the mail, she had no idea who sent it or why it was delivered to her. She enlisted the help of her friend Brandon to solve the mystery. From there, the pair set out to explore the intriguing entries in an attempt to discover the identity of the anonymous sender and figure out what they should do with the thick, leather-bound book filled with stories that all seem to have one thing in common...cannabis. Each episode features a fun and interesting investigation of a different entry. In Season 2, a variety of passionate cannabis professionals join the duo to talk history, mystery, and all things marijuana to get some answers about the diary. One thing that Angela and Brandon now know for certain - through each discussion they discover a little more about the mysterious diary author, Ms. Mari Juana. New episodes drop on the 4th and the 20th of each month, April to September.
Interested in staying connected? Follow Mari on IG @diaryofmari.